Gardens by the Bay – Flower Dome
9 March 2015
My friends and I have some time to spend so we decided to make a trip to Gardens by the Bay to have potluck and see the attractions there. To be honest, the weather was so hot that I actually wanted to call it off but luckily I did not because it was a wonderful experience.
I made fried rice and Blueberry Loaf cake while my friends made some sandwiches and fried nuggets.
We managed to find a shelter to shade us! I was so lazy to style that day so I dressed casually to overcome the hot weather.
Initially, we wanted to go both Flower Dome and Cloud Forest but unfortunately, Cloud Forest was closed for maintenance on that day. What luck…… 🙁
Look at those cute plants! They were like miniature trees!
The moment I stepped in, I felt so cool as it was so cold inside. I kinda regretted because it was really hot outside and I wore this to beat the heat. Too bad I did not bring my cardigan. However, the temperature inside was bearable. How wish Singapore’s weather can be like that!
There were so many types of plant species! I was so amazed!
It’s kinda annoying that they were still playing Chinese New Year songs everywhere.
Those were really soft like silk!
The flowers were so pretty that I really wanted a photo with them! I heard that those plants were from all around the world like South Africa, California and parts of Spain and Italy. So I was really excited about it. Looking at them makes me feel happy!
I didn’t know that onion flowers can be so pretty
Even though those Chinese New Year decorations were really pretty, Chinese New Year is over!
Really love the greenery. I really enjoyed the whole trip to Gardens by the Bay. Such a pity that I could not go to Cloud Forest but I would want to go someday. Heard that it will be colder there so I will definitely bring my cardigan along the next time round.