Sugar-free Banana Bread – Stevia
Hello guys! Today, I will show you guys my Sugar-free Banana Bread!
I will be using grounded dried Stevia leaves instead of sugar. This is why it is a sugar-free cake! (Not to mention that this is also a wholemeal (whole wheat) cake too!)
Stevia is a natural herb that is really sweet if you have never heard of it before. It has no effect on our blood sugar level which means it is diabetes-friendly and it also has no (zero) calories!
Since Stevia have been found in South America, it has been used by the Guaraní people for more than 1500 years! Not only that, Japanese have also used this herb for decades as a sweetener.
I have been experimenting to make a cake that is sugar-free, yet all naturally sweeten. I have used Stevia for this recipe in the form of grounded dried Stevia leaves. This way, you know that you are getting what you want, as natural as possible, less processed.
Of course, though Stevia is sweet, the sweetness is slightly different than refined white sugar. It may have bitter after taste if used excessively. And the sweetness of the leaves will last longer than sugar.
For a cup of white sugar, you could replace it with 2 tablespoon of grounded dried Stevia leaves. It goes great in your smoothies, coffee, and tea. However when used in baking, you will need to tweak a little bit as it is not a bulking ingredient like sugar. You could possibly add some extra bulking ingredients like, pureed fruits, unsweetened applesauce, or beaten egg whites. So if you are going to use Stevia for baking, experiment it until you get your desired texture.
You could possibly create your own Stevia-sugar blend by combining them if you just wanting to consume less sugar. Your baked goods will more likely to remain unchanged.
However, do note that grounded dried Stevia leaves does not dissolve as it is just, grounded dried leaves. They don’t brown at all unlike sugar, and will turn your cake green.

michelle poh
Hi, may I know where to buy these stevia leaves?
tergoda sekali dengan menu masakan kue ini, terbilang ribet tidak ya cara pembuatan nya?