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     It was actually my first time wearing green pants. A friend of mine asked me to get this green pants from H&M because it was on sales. Saw Audrey from Wah!Banana that day. She was so sweet. We had sushi for lunch while with the usual chit-chat session. Afterwards, we went to walk around the area. It was fun.  It was actually quite fun to dress something different sometimes. I bought this pants, thinking that it will fit my new Domachi shirt. Yup, it does! Shirt: Domachi | Pants: H&M | Shoes: Footin | Watch: Hamilton

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    Mayer BIANCO Diver Blender Product Review

    If you have read my previous blog post about my Fancy Strawberry & Mango Swirl Smoothie, you will know what I have used Mayer BIANCO Diver Blender! In this blog post, I will be reviewing this new product from Mayer. It’s worth to read especially if you are looking for a good blender for long-term.  You can see that this high-speed blender is way different from other blenders as it has a very special base. Beautifully crafted by two Italian designers for this German company, it made my kitchen look sleek and modern. A good blender needs to have good amount of power from its motor. This blender not only…

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    Gathering with SSH, May 2015

    It was quite a hectic month as I just recently enrolled to a Polytechnic last April. Couldn’t able to meet them. And yes! We call ourselves “SSH” due to our name, Sun, Si and Hanry. (they call me that) And oh yeah, I am not sure if you have realized. But, my teeth are getting straighter and straighter! I will update you guys soon with my upcoming post about my Invisalign treatment.  😀  🙂  That evening I made them some spaghetti! I was craving for chili crab sauce so I tried to recreate and make it as the base sauce for our spaghetti. However, it turned out to taste like spicy…

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    Mayer New Showroom at Aperia Mall

    Hello everyone! I’m at Aperia Mall to witness the launch of Mayer’s new showroom! I’m thrilled to be invited by Mayer for their opening of the fifth showroom because they hold a wide range of great quality products from different brands (they do have their own brand too!). Kitchenaid, Ariston, Bamix are just one of the few big brands they carries. While waiting for the opening ceremony to start. Later in the day, Chef Eric Teo will be doing a live demo using their appliances.  Everybody gathered for the opening ceremony. There were performances too! Upon entering, you can really see a wide variety of kitchen appliances! It’s a great place to shop for their…

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    Grey x White

    I couldn’t remember where I got this white pants from. But, I personally think that a white pants can easily be matched with many different colors.  I like to bring my sunglasses everytime when I’m out in the day because Singapore is always sunny! Shirt: H&M | Shoes: Ecco | Bag: Denizen | Glasses: Cotton On  

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    Thank you, Mr Lee Kuan Yew

    Thank you, Mr Lee Kuan Yew for everything you have done for us. You will be dearly missed by many of us. You gave us a place to call home. You saw the importance of education and emphasized it so as to make each and every Singaporean ready for their future.  We now have a world-class education system. Rest in Peace Sir, you will always be remembered. 29 March 2015 –  The State Funeral Procession I couldn’t make it to the Parliament House to pay a respect to Mr Lee Kuan Yew. But, I was lucky enough to be able to attend The State Funeral Procession that was held on Sunday. This was the…

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    Colorful Xiao Long Bao

    8 March 2015 It has been awhile since the last time I met up a close friend of mine. We wanted Chinese food so we decided to try out the colorful Xiao Long Bao from Paradise Dynasty.  We got a table right away! Yay~ The food promptly arrived after we ordered. It looks so colorful and good! My friend and I loved cheese so we also ordered another tray of cheese XLB. Lastly, ordered a plate of Yang Zhou Fried Rice because we need rice! LOL. There were 8 different flavors of Xiao Long Bao, range from the original, Cheese to even Black Truffles and Foie Gras!  Honestly, after trying…

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    Japan 2014/2015 Part 1 – Kinosaki

    Hey guys! So it was coming an end of 2014 and my brother and I decided that we should be in Japan during that period. It was a wonderful experience at Osaka because the last time I went there was almost 10 years back! The whole journey was about 10 hours (including transfer time) to finally reach Kansai International Airport and the first we did was to get our rented car ready because we were going to Kinosaki, a small town 2 hours away from Osaka. LOL! Trying to act cute inside the car. It took us about an hour to get our car ready and by then we were all very hungry, so…

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    Gardens by the Bay – Flower Dome

    9 March 2015 My friends and I have some time to spend so we decided to make a trip to Gardens by the Bay to have potluck and see the attractions there. To be honest, the weather was so hot that I actually wanted to call it off but luckily I did not because it was a wonderful experience. I made fried rice and Blueberry Loaf cake while my friends made some sandwiches and fried nuggets.  We managed to find a shelter to shade us! I was so lazy to style that day so I dressed casually to overcome the hot weather.  Initially, we wanted to go both Flower Dome and…

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    How many have stayed by you?

    People around you changes from time to time. Those who really stayed by with you all along, how many are there? You may ask, should I not make any effort on relationships anymore? Should I not communicate with them? I have never mastered the arts of communication (and don’t think I will ever) . You know, it’s not easy to communicate well with others. I mean by communicating well, is to feel connected with each other in a relationship, knowing each other’s needs and being able to relate it back. To me, I always think communication is like peanut butter and jelly, if you can relate well with each other, you…